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Exhibition participation

Exhibition Booth Application

Are you planning to participate in an exhibition?

Preparing for an exhibition, from application to actual participation, typically requires 2 to 6 months. However, the application process and preparation can be more complex and time-consuming than expected. At Contentour, we handle everything from A to Z, ensuring export companies can focus on their core business activities while we take care of all the necessary steps for exhibition participation. Leave your overseas exhibition preparation to Contentour.

We assist you through the following booth application process and service tasks:

We are dedicated to ensuring smooth exhibition participation from the customer’s perspective.

Booth Reservation Process

Click the “Exhibition Application Form” button to request Contentour services for your desired exhibition. Once the service fee is paid, booth reservation and related preparation tasks will commence.

부스 예약 가능 여부 확인 아이콘
Booth Reservation Availability Check
We provide information on the costs associated with exhibition participation and the availability of remaining booths.
참가 신청서 접수 아이콘
Exhibition Application Submission
We guide and assist companies in completing and submitting exhibition application forms, offering proxy services as needed.
부스 위치 확정 및 부스비 결제 지원 아이콘
Booth Location Confirmation and Payment Support
We recommend optimal booth locations and handle the confirmation and contract process for participation. Additionally, we provide guidance on booth payment procedures and support throughout the entire process.
전문 부대 서비스 지원 아이콘
Specialized Auxiliary Services
Through Contentour, you can optionally request specialized auxiliary services, such as flight and accommodation bookings, transportation and customs clearance support, interpretation services, booth assembly and decoration, as well as buyer discovery and matching. (Optional)

Participant Company Guidance and Support

Contentour handles the application and processing of services such as electricity, equipment rental, access badge issuance, and booth name registration on your behalf.

참가기업 제출서류 안내 아이콘
Submission Requirements for Participant Companies
We provide essential information, including regulations, required documents, and application forms that companies need to be aware of.
참가기업 마감기한 알림 아이콘
Deadline Notifications for Participant Companies
We notify you of service application deadlines for electricity usage, equipment rental, access badge issuance, and booth name registration, and ensure timely submissions on your behalf.
참가기업 문의 및 접수 지원 아이콘
Inquiry and Submission Support for Participant Companies
We assist companies in completing the necessary documents and application forms. Additionally, we verify and respond to inquiries with the exhibition organizer on behalf of participant companies.
부스비 외 비용 결제 지원 아이콘
Support for Payments Beyond Booth Fees
If additional purchases, such as electricity, equipment rentals, or internet services, are required, we provide guidance on the payment process.
전시회 현장 세부 일정 안내 아이콘
Detailed On-Site Schedule Guidance
We provide specific information on the booth management schedule, covering preparation, operation, and dismantling at the exhibition site.
현장 대응 정보 제공 아이콘
On-Site Emergency Response Information
We offer detailed guidance on handling potential emergencies that may arise during the exhibition.

Inquiries and Consultation

We are here to assist you with a wide range of services, including exhibitions, business matchmaking, booth construction, interpretation, and more.

Newsletter Subscription

Stay updated with the latest services,
case studies, and event information.

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